EVENT POSTPONED DUE TO EXTREME WEATHER. We will be rescheduling to March. Dates TBA.
We will be accepting donations at the trailhead for the Women’s Resource Center of new toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant...) and diapers/baby wipes.
Ladies Trail Ride: All abilities welcome. Departing Coal Creek staging area at 10am. We will enjoy a casual cruise and social around the FSA Coal Creek and Morrissey trail network with stops at the Rolling Hills Cabin for BBQ and the Wranglers Cabin as well as some opportunities to dip off the trail and play.
BBQ FREE for FSA Members. Non-Members welcome but we ask a $10 donation at the cabin to cover the cost of a burger and bevy if you would like to enjoy.
Please register in advance for this event to help us plan the food count.