British Columbia is a land of supernatural splendor, where the wild meets the wild within us. Fernie Snowmobile Association members are dedicated mountain enthusiasts at heart. We understand what a great opportunity and privilege it is to serve as stewards to some of the best sledding terrain in the Canadian Rockies. Our mission is to maintain, protect, and secure this recreational resource for the future of our community and its visitors.
As a backdrop for world class outdoor opportunities, Fernie attracts recreationalists from around the globe who contribute to our eclectic Rocky Mountain culture. Sledders, snowshoers, fat bikers, skiers and snowboarders all utilize over 160 kilometers of FSA maintained trails and three day use cabins as gateways to their mountain adventures. Snowmobiling’s growing popularity is creating vibrant experiences for residents and tourists alike, jobs in support sectors, and revenue to local businesses. The Fernie Snowmobile Association works cooperatively with other user groups, commercial businesses and government agencies to ensure balanced land use agreements that contribute to a safe and enjoyable mountain experience for all backcountry users.
The Fernie Snowmobile Association was formed as a unified voice on March 1st, 1990 to ensure the continuance of the sport of snowmobiling, to enhance the public image of the sport of snowmobiling, and as a social club for snowmobile enthusiasts. We are primarily a volunteer group that commits time, energy, and personal resources year round to support club efforts. Corporate sponsorship, organized events, trail pass sales, donations and annual government grants provide direct revenue which permits the continued organized efforts required for maintaining operations, trail networks, and cabin systems for the public.
The FSA is steered by a Board of Directors and supported by a strong membership base who meet once a month to discuss operations and direction. Member committees provide detailed task force functions and feedback on activities such as grooming, firewood stocking, events, signage programs, and cabin maintenance. Volunteers are always welcome!
The Mission of the Fernie Snowmobile Association is to maintain, protect, and secure winter motorized recreation opportunities for the future of our community and it’s visitors.
The Board of Directors holds a Duty of Care to act honestly, diligently, to exercise power, and to to adhere to applicable laws and governing documents of the society. They must act in the best interests of the organization, holding significant responsibilities including setting objectives, overseeing fiscal accountability, ensuring laws are followed, and monitoring performance of the Fernie Snowmobile Association on behalf of its members. All Directors must be in good standing, maintain amicable relationships with stakeholders, are prepared for meetings to conduct board business, and willing to volunteer time in support of the FSA mission.
Elections are held each year at the Annual General Meeting. Executive positions are in two year alternating terms (elections for President / Secretary one year and Vice President / Treasurer the next). Executive Board members should have demonstrated significant leadership within the FSA, have solid understanding of the FSA bylaws and Societies Act, understand the basics of financial statements, and be willing to volunteer significant time during their tenure. Directors at large are elected each year. New directors are always welcome and should be prepared to attend at least 70% of meetings and events though the year. Nominations packages may be received by emailing info@ferniesnowmobile.com. Elections and meetings follow Roberts Rules of Order and the BC Societies Act but are generally casual affairs with plenty of time for fun socializing.

FSA Economic Impact Study, February 2021
The Fernie Snowmobile Association commissioned a micro-economic impact study to better understand the value of sledding in Fernie, BC. The report, completed by MNP accountancy and business consultants, showcased that sledding plays a critical role in the economic diversity and health of our local community. Overall, it was found that snowmobiling contributed $11.6 million dollars in annual economic output to Fernie, created 75 full-time equivalent jobs, and provides $956,000 in government revenue. The study further highlighted that the FSA has provided over three-quarters of a million dollars in local recreation infrastructure to the community and represents 15,000 trail user days between the months of December to March each year.