Our first scheduled groom of the season out Corbin is planned for the night of Friday, December 17th, 2021. Please note that the Corbin road / trail is CURRENTLY PLOWED FOR TIMBERHARVESTING TO THE BARNES ELLIOT TURN OFF. It is illegal to snowmobile on a plowed road in BC - doing so poses significant fines, is a serious safety issue, and damages our relationship with industrial partners and the government. Don’t be THAT guy. The FSA and Canfor will be working together to build a new snowmobile trail parallel to the existing road for recreation use this season to allow simultaneous operation. Snowmobilers MUST stay on the new trail and OFF the plowed road or we risk loosing access. The ‘new’ trail will be groomed Friday and Mondays each week and the regular trail is available for snowmobiling after the Barnes Elliot Lake turn off junction.
New this season: During peak visitation the FSA will be plowing the clearing over the bridge for use by trucks with decks to accommodate overflow parking. This lot will only be open when the ground is frozen and no fueling is permitted in this area so as to not damage underlaying vegetation. Trucks pulling trailers will not be permitted over the bridge. You MUST stop and see attendant before proceeding. When the berm is up beside the kiosk - vehicles are NOT permitted to use this far staging area. When the berm is down (moved farther up the trail) parking is permitted if required (use main lot as your first option unless full). This is a a privilege extended to us by RSTBC for the season - abuse it and we loose it!