Racehorse Pass Trail Removed from Deactivation List
Racehorse Pass Removed from Government List of Trails to be Deactivated This Summer
Recreation Groups, Public, and Government work together to keep iconic trail open
Following a stakeholder consultation process, the Race Horse Pass trail between BC and Alberta has been removed from the government’s list of candidate roads to be deactivated under the Cumulative Effects Management Framework project this summer. A great win for recreation groups in both the Elk Valley and Crowsnest Pass area.
“This is a good news success story of the government, public, and trail groups from two provinces working cooperatively together to identify and preserve high-value recreation opportunities,” says Donegal Wilson, Executive Director for the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation. Justin Boehm, President of the Fernie Snowmobile Association adds “This is the result of the diligent work of the Elkford ATV Club, the Elkford Snowmobile Association, the Fernie Snowmobile Association, and many other clubs and individuals who took the time to follow due process and provide their feedback. And, to the government for sitting down and listening to that feedback and looking at options to keep the public trail open while also meeting their environmental targets”.
Last year, the Fernie Snowmobile Association (FSA) and partners were able to save two additional high-value recreation trails in the Corbin area from closure under the same process. The FSA was formed in 1990 as a local unified voice for winter motorized recreation with a mission to maintain, secure, and protect these vibrant and diverse recreation opportunities for the town and her visitors. Snowmobiling contributes over $11.6 million in annual economic output to Fernie, BC.
The Racehorse Pass Trail is closed to motor vehicles but holds a winter seasonal exemption in some areas for snowmobile access. Users are reminded to familiarize themselves with the FLNRO Motor Vehicle Closure Area Maps to understand where these seasonal Wildlife Act closures exist.
The Elk Valley Cumulative Effects Management Framework Project aims to reduce habitat fragmentation by decommissioning several kilometers of roads and trails each summer. Roads that ‘pass’ the consultation phase are fully re-contoured by heavy machinery, culverts pulled, access ditched/signed, and the area reforested.
Photo: IG@jay_k81